Tom Du
Tom senpei's budo experience started during his middle school years when he started his training in kickboxing. After completing high school, Tom senpei joined the Canadian Navy (Reserve) and went through some rigorous training programs. In the early 90s, due to work opportunities, Tom senpei came to Hong Kong and joined the Kyokushin Club in Sogo. Since then, Tom senpei has been active in training and competing both local and international tournaments.
1997 Kyokushin Inner Dojo Tournament Champion
1998 Kyokushin Hong Kong Open Tournament Champion
2003 Full Contact Karate Tournament (Heavy Weight) Champion
2004 Kyokushin Rengokai World Tornament Hong Kong Representative
2014 Seibukai All Japan Tournament Hong Kong Representative
Seibukai Hong Kong Branch Chief
Nagao Tsuyoshi
Nagao Sensei started his budo journey more than 30 years ago when he first joined the Kyokushin Jouhoku Branch in 1982. Since then he has remained as a member of Nishida Shihan's dojo and continues to be under shihan's guidances. In 1987 Nagao Sensei participated in the 18th All Japan Karate Do Tournament. In the early 90s, due to work opportunities; Nagao Sensei came to Hong Kong. By 1991, he and other Japanese Kyokushin practioners had established a small Kyokushin Club in Sogo dojo that help to plan the seed of Kyokushin Karate in Hong Kong. Over the years, Nagao Sensei has not only helped to train local and foreign fighters. He has also been actively promoting full contact karte tournament, such as oraganizing the 2000 and 2001 tournaments, and participating in refereeing these events. In 2007, Nagao Sensei officially established the Hong Kong Seibukai Dojo at the YMCA Kings Park and in 2012, he was officially appointed by Nishida Shihan as the Hong Kong Branch Chief.
Jason Leung
Jason senpei started Taekwondo training during primary school years but quickly moved on to other sports. In 1995 Jason senpei was introduced to Kyokushin karate and joined the Kyokushin Club in Sogo. Since Then, Jason senpei has been active in training and competing both local and international tournaments.
1997 Kyokushin Inner Dojo Tournament (Second Runner Up)
1998 Kyokushin Hong Kong Open Tournament (First Runner Up)
2000 Kyokushin Hong Kong Open Tournament (Second Runner Up)
2001 Kyokushin Inner Dojo Tournament (First Runner Up)
2001 Kyokushin Hong Kong Open Tournament (Second Runner Up)
2008 The 92th Seibukai Tournament (Hong Kong Representative)